Senin, 20 Juni 2011
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Knowledge - about Homeschooling
Homeschooling or homeschool (also called home education or home learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or communication homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to private schools outside the home or educational institutions operated by civil governments.
Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in some countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeschool, including better academic test results, poor public school environment, religious reasons, improved character/morality development, the expense of private education, and objections to what is taught locally in public school. It may be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations or living temporarily abroad.
Homeschools use a wide variety of methods and materials. There are different paradigms, or educational philosophies, that families adopt including unit studies, Classical education (including Trivium,Quadrivium), Charlotte Mason education, Montessori method, Theory of multiple intelligences, Unschooling, Radical Unschooling, Waldorf education, School-at-home, A Thomas Jefferson Education, and many others. Some of these approaches, particularly unit studies, Montessori, and Waldorf, are also available in private or public school settings.
It is not uncommon for the student to experience more than one approach as the family discovers what works best for them. Many families do choose an eclectic (mixed) approach. For sources ofcurricula and books, "Homeschooling in the United States: 2003" found that 78 percent utilized "a public library"; 77 percent used "a homeschooling catalog, publisher, or individual specialist"; 68 percent used "retail bookstore or other store"; 60 percent used "an education publisher that was not affiliated with homeschooling." "Approximately half" used curriculum or books from "a homeschooling organization", 37 percent from a "church, synagogue or other religious institution" and 23 percent from "their local public school or district." 41 percent in 2003 utilized some sort ofdistance learning, approximately 20 percent by "television, video or radio"; 19 percent via "Internet, e-mail, or the World Wide Web"; and 15 percent taking a "correspondence course by mail designed specifically for homeschoolers."
Individual governmental units, e, g, states and local districts, vary in official curriculum and attendance requirements
Unit studies
The unit study approach incorporates several subjects, such as art, history, math, science, geography and other curriculum subjects, around the context of one topical theme, like water, animals, American slavery, or ancient Rome, For example, a unit study of Native Americans could combine age-appropriate lessons in: social studies, how different tribes lived prior to colonization vs. today; art, making Native American clothing; history (of Native Americans in the U.S.); reading from a special reading list; and the science of plants used by Native American.
Unit studies are particularly helpful for teaching multiple grade levels simultaneously, as the topic can easily be adjusted (i.e. from an 8th grader detailing and labeling a spider's anatomy to an elementary student drawing a picture of a spider on its web). As it is generally the case that in a given "homeschool" very few students are spread out among the grade levels, the unit study approach is an attractive option
Unit study advocates assert that children retain 45% more information following this approach
All-in-one curricula
"All-in-one" curricula, sometimes called a "school in a box", are comprehensive packages covering many subjects; usually an entire year's worth. They contain all needed books and materials, including pencils and writing paper. Most such curricula were developed for isolated families who lack access to public schools, libraries and shops. Typically, these materials recreate the school environment in the home and are based on the same subject-area expectations as publicly run schools, allowing an easy transition into school. They are among the more expensive options, but are easy to use and require minimal preparation. The guides are usually extensive, with step-by-step instructions. These programs may include standardized tests and remote examinations to yield an accredited school diploma
Student-paced learning
Similar to All-in-one curricula are learner-paced curriculum packages. These workbooks allow the student to progress at their own speed.
Methods of teaching or learning at homehomeschooling became popular in the homeland . However, not many who choose that method because it is not common. Want to know the advantages and disadvantages of this teaching method?
Here are some advantages and disadvantages of studying at home, as quoted by Parenting.
1. A more flexible time
Methods home schooling provide respite time for the kids. They can determine their own learning time.
2. Socialization
Methods home schooling your child not only to socialize with friends sepermainan with the same age, but also with people who are much older than they (the faculty).
3. Learning any time
When your child is sick, or less feeling well, he still can learn at home.
4. The curriculum is more focused
Children can simply select the curriculum that he is interested only, and not have to learn everything that is too general.
5. Free from the threat of Friends
Often children feel pressure from their peers which makes it the trauma and fear. Home school your child free from it.
1. Less teaching discipline
Too flexible can be a boomerang for your child. The lack of a clear time when running education can make the discipline of children is reduced.
2. The lack of competition
Home schooling a child reduces the chance to compete fairly with their peers in any field. Though the competition will generate enthusiasm for the more advanced.
3. No standardization of curriculum
Because of home schooling, including teaching methods are still rare, so there is no clear curriculum standards in Indonesia.
4. Socialization
Children also need to socialize with their peers. You can not protect it all the time pressures of other children. But it also could make it become more daring, and learn to deal with any problems.
5. Finance
Schools in the home usually requires a much greater cost than public schools. Before deciding to choose this method, you must first ensure your financial condition.
Here are some advantages and disadvantages of studying at home, as quoted by Parenting.
1. A more flexible time
Methods home schooling provide respite time for the kids. They can determine their own learning time.
2. Socialization
Methods home schooling your child not only to socialize with friends sepermainan with the same age, but also with people who are much older than they (the faculty).
3. Learning any time
When your child is sick, or less feeling well, he still can learn at home.
4. The curriculum is more focused
Children can simply select the curriculum that he is interested only, and not have to learn everything that is too general.
5. Free from the threat of Friends
Often children feel pressure from their peers which makes it the trauma and fear. Home school your child free from it.
1. Less teaching discipline
Too flexible can be a boomerang for your child. The lack of a clear time when running education can make the discipline of children is reduced.
2. The lack of competition
Home schooling a child reduces the chance to compete fairly with their peers in any field. Though the competition will generate enthusiasm for the more advanced.
3. No standardization of curriculum
Because of home schooling, including teaching methods are still rare, so there is no clear curriculum standards in Indonesia.
4. Socialization
Children also need to socialize with their peers. You can not protect it all the time pressures of other children. But it also could make it become more daring, and learn to deal with any problems.
5. Finance
Schools in the home usually requires a much greater cost than public schools. Before deciding to choose this method, you must first ensure your financial condition.
Kamis, 14 April 2011
Di sini saya ingin memulai cerita tentang kelas yang paling saya banggakan, yapp ! kelas 9.5 (kelas sendiri soalnya, hehe...) *narsis dikit gapapalah ;) ..
Awal pertama saya masuk ke kelas ini, (kalo nggak salah, pertengahan bulan Juli 2010, tepatnya saat pembagian kelas) saya ngerasa bosen banget sama kelas ini ,- nggak ada seru-serunya dibanding kelas 8 waktu itu !
Apalagi, saya ngerasa nggak ada temen-temen yang akrab, paling satu dua orang doang ,- terus rivalnya banyak bangettt ! heuuu -____-
Malah, waktu itu saya ada niat buat pindah kelas. Tapi, mama nyaranin, supaya saya tetep ngebetahin diri di kelas ini sampe akhir kelulusan. Yaudah deh, akhirnya saya pun nurutin omongan mama ,- agak nyesek juga sih, tapi, jalanin ajalaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ;D
Tapi seiring jalannya waktu, aku ngerasa berbanding terbalik 180 derajat terhadap kelas yang super duper heboh ini (narsis lagi) ..
Mereka memang terlihat cuek, tapi sebenernya temen-temen di sini take care lho, terbukti solidaritas mereka selalu terlihat ketika salah satu dari kami sebagai siswa kelas 9.5 sedang dirundung masalah. Masalah yang sepeleh, bahkan masalah yang besar sekalipun. Pokoknya, omongan saya kalo saya nyesel masuk kelas ini, mesti diralat lagi deh sepertinya ! Cz, ga ada kata "MENYESAL" pernah berbagi pengalaman selama hampir 2 tahun di kelas yang saya cintai ini (ehh, narsis nya keluar lagi dehh...) hehe ..
Harapannya sih, SEMUA TEMEN-TEMEN KELAS 9.5 (termasuk temen-temen se'SMP19) BISA LULUS UJIAN NASIONAL dan MENUJU SMA-SMA yang sudah diidam-idamkan .. AMIN YARABB (y)
Love u all so much .. mwuaccchhhh ... mwuaaaaaaaaacccchhhhh :* xOXOXOXo
Selasa, 15 Februari 2011
Being SingLe , Being Positive
Di status Facebook atau di timeline Twitter , sering deh kita liat temen yg "GALAU " karena jomblo. Nggak satu or dua aja, tapi banyak. Gue juga sih sebenernya . Hehehe ...
Dalam masalah perjombloan ini, pasti semuanya punya jawaban dan alasannya masing-masing.
Langkah berikutnya ialah, bagaimana menciptakan hal - hal yang positif dari kejombloan itu biar nggak selalu galau, biar bisa jadi manusia yang lebih berguna walaupun nggak ada yang secara personal memberikan dukungan penuh cinta itu. Well, just being single being positive and try to keep greatfull whatever the condition.
Ternyata, jomblo dan single itu dua kata yang punya kemiripan arti, tapi memiliki maksud yang berbeda lho ! Let's start with single !
Single itu lebih identik dengan sendiri nggak ada pasangan, tetapi bisa bertahan dan fun dengan kehidupan yang ada .
Dalam masalah perjombloan ini, pasti semuanya punya jawaban dan alasannya masing-masing.
Langkah berikutnya ialah, bagaimana menciptakan hal - hal yang positif dari kejombloan itu biar nggak selalu galau, biar bisa jadi manusia yang lebih berguna walaupun nggak ada yang secara personal memberikan dukungan penuh cinta itu. Well, just being single being positive and try to keep greatfull whatever the condition.
Ternyata, jomblo dan single itu dua kata yang punya kemiripan arti, tapi memiliki maksud yang berbeda lho ! Let's start with single !
Single itu lebih identik dengan sendiri nggak ada pasangan, tetapi bisa bertahan dan fun dengan kehidupan yang ada .
Tiga kata untuk single : fokus, berstamina, dan nggak rapuh (y)
Jomblo itu lebih identik dengan masa - masa desperate saat mengalami masa - masa single nya seseorang.
Why being single is fun ?
Lets check it out ! 1. School , homework, games, concerts, hang out, heyy .... nggak ada waktu buat pacar deh !
2. No more fights ! Dan nggak ada lagi jeleously yang kadang menguras energi.
3. Have more time for having fun w/ our bestie (y) ..
Senin, 31 Januari 2011
good bye :')
sudah cukup usahaku tuk dapatkn drimu ..
namun apadaya tiadg ku dapat cinta yg kuharap :'(
mungkin kaulah belahan jiwaku namun kau bkan jodohku :(
aku rela ..
saat ini mungkin sampaii nanti hanya kaulah yg ku inginkan ..
hanya lah kau yg kuharap ..
hanya kau yg kudamba ..
hanya kau yg ku CINTA ..
aku yakin kan ada cinta untkku nanti ..
meski itu buknlah dirimu ..
aku hargai perasaan mu yg tak sama :)
aku hormati prinsip mu :)
aku mengerti bahwa cinta tak harus miliki :)
maaf aku menyerah ..
aku lelah menanti dirimu yg tak pasti ..
:') ..
namun apadaya tiadg ku dapat cinta yg kuharap :'(
mungkin kaulah belahan jiwaku namun kau bkan jodohku :(
aku rela ..
saat ini mungkin sampaii nanti hanya kaulah yg ku inginkan ..
hanya lah kau yg kuharap ..
hanya kau yg kudamba ..
hanya kau yg ku CINTA ..
aku yakin kan ada cinta untkku nanti ..
meski itu buknlah dirimu ..
aku hargai perasaan mu yg tak sama :)
aku hormati prinsip mu :)
aku mengerti bahwa cinta tak harus miliki :)
maaf aku menyerah ..
aku lelah menanti dirimu yg tak pasti ..
:') ..
Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011
My HoLiday ◕‿◕
Liburanku kali ini, sama seperti biasanya. aku menghabiskan waktu liburanku hanya di rumah saja. "Hmm..., nothing special !" terdengar seperti itu memang. Tapi, bagiku sendiri sepertinya nggak juga ! Cz aku masih tetep ngerasa kok kalo liburan ini masih tetap menyenangkan (meski terasa ada juga rasa bosan). Di waktu liburanku kali ini, aku bisa memanfaatkannya dengan berkumpul bersama keluarga yang ada di PaLembang maupun yang ada di luar kota PaLembang. Nggak cuma itu, kami sekeluarga pun juga bisa berpergian mengunjungi suatu tempat wisata yang ada di Palembang. Not far, but yang penting kan moment liburannya bisa terasa. Hihihi ^^ ....
Oya, selama liburanku ini, aku harus menjalani sebuah operasi kecil di bagian mata ku yang sebenarnya sudah direncanakan jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya. Jadi, liburan ini ga bisa ku nikmati sepenuhnya. Cz jadi terhalangi karena ini :'( ..
Tapi nggak apa-apalah. Toh kan demi kesehatanku juga (y). Dan karena hal inilah pula yang membuat mama dan papa belum mau merencanakan liburan ke tempat yang jauh-jauh.
Enough! mungkin, sampai di sini saja yaa saya bercerita tentang pengalaman liburanku kali ini.
Bye 。◕‿◕。 ....
Oya, selama liburanku ini, aku harus menjalani sebuah operasi kecil di bagian mata ku yang sebenarnya sudah direncanakan jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya. Jadi, liburan ini ga bisa ku nikmati sepenuhnya. Cz jadi terhalangi karena ini :'( ..
Tapi nggak apa-apalah. Toh kan demi kesehatanku juga (y). Dan karena hal inilah pula yang membuat mama dan papa belum mau merencanakan liburan ke tempat yang jauh-jauh.
Enough! mungkin, sampai di sini saja yaa saya bercerita tentang pengalaman liburanku kali ini.
Bye 。◕‿◕。 ....
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